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Success is the feeling you experience when you are in tune with yourself

What is the secret to success?

I try to succeed, but I fail all the time.

What's the catch?

Am I not trying enough?

Is it possible to succeed only with hard work?

Is hard work the only path to success?

I have never seen a tree work hard, but it still grows into a mighty tree.

In nature, growth is a natural process.

Can the path to success also be a natural process?

Does a tree, when small, complain about why it is not yet large?

No, the tree does not bother itself with how tall it has to grow.

It does not compare itself to other trees, and it does not try to become successful.

Ask yourself, why are you working so hard to be successful?

Aren't you happy with your life?

Do you think that this way, you will gain the attention and approval of other people?

Just as a tree has a purpose, so do you.

Your purpose is something very natural to you.

Something you shine effortlessly at it.

And that something is unique. Unique to you.

Like, a fingerprint.

You usually do that with ease.

And when you do it, you feel positive feelings.

Calmness, enthusiasm, joy, maybe even bliss.

No effort, no stress, no forcing, no rushing.

Just follow your inner inspiration, and enjoy creating.

Just be.

Natural and light.

Like a tree.

When you have the feeling that you are in the right place at the right time, then you feel a sense of success.

Success is the feeling you experience when you are in tune with yourself.

In tune with your Inner Being.

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